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Colonics Detox Sauna therapy Gut Health (Seal beach Laguna Hills)

Posted : Saturday, February 22, 2025 12:32 PM

Clean out your Colon My clients including myself say it will help with many things such as weight loss, belly pooch, inflammation, allergies, colds and coughs, skin problems, lack of energy, IBS complaints, body pain, lower back pain, and eating disorders. Do it right wash it and rejuvenate from the inside out. Things will CHANGE!!! TEXT 9492281654 or CALL today CHANGE is GOOD!!! I did.. It is mind control. Do you struggle with DIGESTIVE Issues? Do you have inconsistent Bowel Movements? Do you get Gas and Bloating after eating? Are you tired after eating? Is your life hectic? Is your sleep disturbed? Does your torso belly area HURT/GURGLE/CRAMP causing disrupt To your every day activities? That was me until I learned about colonics IT is Life changing for some not all it has so much controversy My life was CHANGED when I learned to Alkalize my Body. Changed the FOODS and DRINKS I consumed, did some exercises with isometric technique and cardio. Began a supplemental regimen of Probiotics, Enzymes, Omega Oils, B vitamins and many other supplements and; increasing water. Did the HAIR CELL INTOLERANCE TEST (ask for info) Eliminated MANY MANY foods that are know as healthy: spinach, lemons, beets, coconut, cocoa, beef, garlic and many other items I had to STOP. CHANGED MY LIFE and many others. I Learned about COLONICS in Las Vegas COLONICS COLON HYDROTHERAPY CHANGED my life. I wanted to HELP others so I DO....COLONICS WORK!!!!! For $87.00 receive one colonic session bring a friend and both pay $77.00. Buy packages for more savings La Paz Spa Total Body Center 949 228 1654 Seal Beach and Laguna Hills Calif. https://www.yelp.com/biz/la-paz-spa-seal-beach www.lapazspa.com @therealshit247 La Paz Spa 1190 PCH Seal Beach, Ca 562 596 POOP (7667) 26641 Cabot Rd Laguna Hills, Ca 9492281654 #colonic #coloncancer #lovemylife #guthealth #leakygut We are not a medical facility do not claim to cure or treat any disease. We do not diagnose. We recommend to get professional medical advise if you have great concerns. We give you help with Gut health. Help with answers for your over all well being it CHANGED my life...

• Poster's age

• Mobile : (949) 228-1654

• Location : seal beach,CA

• Post ID: 9158910344

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